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When should i change my brake fluid

When should I change my brake fluid?

When should I change my brake fluid?

Making a car stop is a fundamental requirement of a vehicle which requires a couple of integral components of which brake fluid is one them.

What is brake fluid and what does it do?

Brake fluid is a type of hydraulic fluid used in vehicle brake and clutch systems..

When you press on the brake pedal, brake fluid helps transmit the force from the brake pedal to the brake pads or shoes, which in turn clamps against a brake rotor or drums, to help slow down your wheels until your vehicle stops.

Choosing the right brake fluid for you.

With many different types of brake fluids in the market, its important to understand what you’re choosing so that you can make the best informed choice.

Changing my oil at track

When Should I Consider Changing My Oil?

One of the most common questions we get asked at Autosphere is:

 “How many track days can I do before I need to change my oil?”

Fresh is always best, which is why most race teams will change oils after every event.  However these teams work off BIG budgets which isn’t always the same option available to us.

So if we’re not changing oils after each event, the answer is always, “it depends”, based on the answers to questions that we usually ask:

Coming Soon…

We hope to start filling this area with commonly asked questions and answers to them. Get in touch with us and let us know if you have anything specific on your mind…

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